Rebekah Buchanan is a Professor of English and Director of English Education at Western Illinois University. Her research focuses on feminism, activism, and literacy practices in youth culture, specifically through zines and music.
The NBN reaches about half a million people every month; NBN listeners download close to 1.5 million episodes a month.
"Johnny Goudie is the Marc Maron of Austin music. 840-some episodes in, the hourlong, twice-weekly interview show gives the host a platform to really connect with his Austin music guests, not just on what’s happening in their careers, but also in the shared experience of music appreciation – and that’s where he truly shines.” -The Austin Chronicle 2019
CapZeyeZ TV is one of the best shows on television and has been supporting Austin's musicians since 1990.
Dave Prewitt was kind enough to invite Greg and Richard on to the show to talk about the book's imminent release.
Ol' Bitty and Nathan were running the cameras...
Art Levy at Austin's KUTX Radio invited us to host this one-hour show.
Pocket FishRmen – “The Leader Is Burning”
Squat Thrust – “That Don’t Smell Like Chicken”
ST 37 – “Ghosts Of Tempera Nymphs”
Pork – “I Never Knew”
Ed Hall – “White House Girls”
Fuckemos – “Mexico”
Sixteen Deluxe – “Idea” (7″ version)
Sincola – “Rundown”
Stretford – “Suicide”
The Motards – “Self Destructive”
Spoon – “Not Turning Off”
The amazing Matt Sonzala says : "On this episode we discuss all sorts of things and I promise I don't cry about how Austin has changed (much). We also talk about Houston and Dallas as he has lived in both and really just have a lot of scene talk and memory sharing. Music nerds UNITE this one is for you, me, everybody."
Marc Fort (aka DJ Space Cadet) is the host of Ear Candy 2.0. Marc also works as the Marketing & Communications Manager at HAAM. Marc has performed in more than 10 bands (Schatzi, The Fuckemos, bo bud greene) that have toured with and opened for various musical acts all across North America – and around the world.